Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Justice Denied

Sorry, I still haven't gotten those concert pictures up. But today's post is a little more important, if perhaps less surprising, than bestselling authors rockin' out to "Gloria."

The Judicial Council of The United Methodist Church has declined to review Decision #1032, released last fall. If you recall, the Council ruled that a pastor in charge of a church has sole discretion to determine a person's readiness to take the vows of church membership, affirming the decision of a pastor who denied membership to a gay man who was in a relationship. The Methodist Federation for Social Action (MFSA) has an E-News Update containing an excellent summary of the dissenting opinions, as well as action steps those of us who disagree with the ruling can take. You can also read today's decision, with concurring and dissenting opinions, from the website.

Another sad day for a denomination that claims to have "Open Hearts, Open Minds, Open Doors." United Methodism has a proud tradition of inclusiveness that should be extended, not ended. If, like me, you believe that Jesus wanted everyone to be welcome in the communities of those who follow him, please consider supporting the Reconciling Ministries Network, or another organization working to promote understanding, reconciliation, acceptance, and celebration of all kinds of diversity in the church.


Anonymous said...

The decision can be considered to cut both ways - if pastors have final authority on exclusion they also have it on inclusion. No conservative ds or bishop can interfere. Why is everyone so glum?

RMN is gaining new churches all the time and they are now gauranteed to be able to bring all the GLBT people around into the church. The pastor has this authority according to the Judicial Council. Isn't the growing trend towards inclusion amongst our most enlightened colleagues? Has the RMN been shrinking or growing? (I believe growing...) Who's going to stop that? It seems the exclusionary pastors are fewer and far between, but the media hype focuses on the exceptional cases.

Just a thought

Kerry said...

Thanks for your thoughts, anonymous. You make a good point, and undeniably, RMN is growing. But then, the folks at Good News or Renewal would probably say that their "movement" is growing also.

In response to your question, "why so glum?" I would say that it is discouraging when a denomination that claims to have "Open Hearts, Open Minds, Open Doors" has a judicial body that allows - and in effect, affirms - a pastor who has chosen to close the door. It's the age-old liberal dilemma: how much intolerance can you tolerate?