Monday, December 12, 2005

Christmas is coming...

It is late, but I will post soon on one or more of the following topics (in no particular order):
  • Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (see it!)
  • The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe (see it!)
  • preaching today (funny story... well, mildly funny)
  • Thanksgiving
  • my 10-year high school reunion
  • Minneapolis
  • Seussical the Musical
  • the cutest performance ever of a story from House at Pooh Corner
  • ordination process frustrations
  • The Song of the Lark, by Willa Cather
  • theological conversations I should not have gotten into

And can somebody please tell me the best way to send a Christmas letter that is interesting and informative but not overly long and won't duplicate stuff my parents are sending in their letters? Should I do separate letters for family and my friends? Can I use bullet points? Can I just make stuff up instead of reporting (for what mostly seems like the umpteen-thousandth time) all of the exciting and not-so-exciting things that occurred in my life this year? (well, the past couple years, since I don't think I got a Christmas letter out last year... or the year before...) I like reading the ones I get from people I don't hear from too regularly, but I'm never sure how big that circle of people in my life is supposed to be - people I talk to less than once a month but at least once a year, I guess, plus a certain level of extended family.

But hey, I got some Christmas lights up yesterday! And my housemate bought us stockings to hang by the woodstove with care! Yay... :)


Kyle said...

I'd love to hear about the Reunion and your thoughts on Narnia, especially, Kerry-san!

BTW, I think bullet points are fine and I think you should write whatever seems right to you for the widest audience. You probably don't want to rewrite it drastically for everyone. You can do minor tweaks for each constituency, though, which might work. But customizing it too much for each person might get old very quickly.

Amy Sens said...

Write us some postings! Please!!!! This is what I do all day at work.