Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Not that I'm bitter...

That's my new motto: "Not that I'm bitter." It's becoming very useful. For example:

It's spring, the flowers are blooming, and all of my friends are falling in love and/or getting engaged, while I spend my weekends reading Old Testament Pseudepigrapha and watching movies on video from the library. Not that I'm bitter.


Four and a half months after I sent in my application (the day it was due), and three weeks after they flew me to Nashville for an interview, I had to call the HR office of a large churchwide agency myself to find out that I didn't get my dream job. Not that I'm bitter.

I'm sure this handy little phrase is employable in a plethora of fields as diverse as politics (In spite of mass voter registration efforts by progressive groups, Bush was reelected. Not that I'm bitter.), and religion (Although American Catholics on average diverge from official teaching on many social issues, the Roman Catholic Church's new pontiff is known for his archconservative defense of traditional doctrine - not that I'm bitter.). Feel free to try it out for yourself, and let me know of any exciting new uses you find.


Amy Sens said...

Kerry--sorry to hear about the dream job. That sucks. Here's one:

I graduated from an internationally known graduate school nearly two years ago and have yet to find employment using that fancy education... not that I'm bitter. :-)

Kerry said...

Yeah. Higher education is probably in the top 3 causes of notthatimbitter syndrome. I feel for ya.