Monday, July 28, 2008

Coming Soon: The Open House

Thanks to all who checked out the list and commented either here or on facebook! Our leadership team met last week and decided on The Open House, with some kind of tag line to indicate this is an ongoing worship service/community rather than a one-time drop-in event - "a different kind of worship experience" or "a new community of faith," something along those lines.

There is already a church (UCC) in Portland, Maine, with this name, but they're far enough away that I think we can avoid confusion... the downside is that they already have the domain name and a great logo that we can't steal!

Next steps include plans for publicity (we'll need some kind of logo... the leadership team decided on a 12-issue advertising contract with a neighborhood paper, a big investment but it is distributed to the exact geographic area we're focused on), getting the music team and technology together, and rounding up a few more people to be part of our weekly welcomers and other helpers. Anyone in the Denver area looking to get involved in "a different kind of worship experience," Sundays at 5pm starting September 14, please let me know!

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