Saturday, September 03, 2005


Okay, so obviously I have about as much systematic dedication to blogging as I have to journaling, which is why in spite of having received approximately 8 journals as gifts over the past five years, I'm still writing in one started in 2000. Still, in case anyone out there is still checking in once in a while, I thought I'd put up some stuff.

First, the devastation wrought by Hurricane Katrina is real and the recovery is going to take years. If you haven't donated already, consider giving through the United Methodist Committee on Relief (, one of the many worthy organizations providing direct aid - thanks to the United Methodist system of giving to wider missions, 100% of gifts given to any particular cause go straight to that cause - people support the administrative costs intentionally through other means.

I found this article by Jim Wallis, of Sojourners, interesting and thoughtful - it's about how in times of natural disasters, "those who have the least to lose are often those who lose the most."

And yet, as terrible as the scenes of destruction are, and as much as I mourn with those who have lost loved ones, a home, neighborhood, livelihood, and perhaps worst of all, hope, I thank God that it was not worse. And I hope that even as generous people across the country open their wallets and their homes to help those displaced by Katrina, we will not forget the millions whose lives were affected by the tsunami eight months ago - those communities are still a long way from getting back on track. And I hope we will not forget the Israeli settlers who have had to leave behind their homes in Gaza, or the Palestinians who have waited so long to be heard and who have grown so desperate that they have trouble seeing a just peace in their land as a viable option. Or the ordinary people of Colombia who find their lives threatened by both military and revolutionary forces, or the millions dying of AIDS in Africa and around the world, or the 30,000 children who die each day because of hunger and poverty-related causes.

It's a big world out there, friends. And I'm not really a glass half-empty kind of person; I just find it important to remind myself of all the need and suffering that still exists, because it's so tempting to stay wrapped in my cozy little bubble most of the time. I mean, it's enough to break your heart.


Well, that ends the sermonizing portion of this evening's post. Just for kicks and giggles, those of you who haven't seen it already should check out The Onion AV Club's feature on "Dining for a Dollar: Summer Snack Edition." It's friggin' awesome.

My favorite, in the category of That Is So Wrong: the Dippin' Dolphin Pop.


Kyle said...

I still check in! I still check in! First comment, woo-hoo! Good post, Kerry

Amy Sens said...

Me too!